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Onion Detoxification

Hey guys

Please note that this post contains graphic images!!!!!!!😋😋

So I detoxified via the onion method.

What an experience that was 🙈😆.

The first thing I must say is I truly dislike cutting up onions 😑😑😑   

Secondly, getting the onions to stay in place under my "fugly" feet was HARD.. lol😁.. they kept sliding off... sigh 😔😔😔

I think I spent more time trying to get the socks on my feet than I actually wore the socks for...😝

After struggling to put on the socks.. which btw were too small for my huge feet....

I felt a tingling sensation under my feet... which indicated that something was happening.

Of course walking around thereafter was quite clumsy and felt awkward... 😖😖 thus I promptly went to bed!!!!!.

The following video sheds some light into the benefits of onion detoxification

According to Steps to Health , placing an onion under your feet helps to

1)  fight infections in the body naturally
2)  improve the elimination of toxins from the body
3) hydrate the body
4) strengthen the immune system

Taken from

Next morning, as I peeled the socks away my feet didn't smell as "oniony" as I expected.

The onions however looked tired and abused 😁😁😁😁

To my amazement, the soles of my feet were soft and well moisturized 😮😮😮

So apart from detoxifying, onions also moisturizes the soles of your feet.. who knew.😵😵

If you are brave enough...try this method of detoxification and let me know how it goes for you!!!!!!

Please consult your Doctor before changing any treatment plan to include onion detoxification. 

Kindly post your thoughts and comments below.

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  1. Finally something I can try! If its not yucky tasting and healthy .. I'm in!!! Will try this and give you my reviews. Thanks for sharing !!!


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