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Treating High Blood Pressure locally

Hey Guys😊😊😊

Hypertension or High Blood Pressure (HBP) runs in my family so this post is especially dear to me 😔😔😔😔.   .
According to the Ministry of Health
1 in 4 persons in the country is living with HBP in 2011.
  • It is a medical condition where one’s blood pressure is abnormally high, i.e. great than 140/90 when resting.
  • Most persons (1 in 3) with high blood pressure do not experience any symptoms however some persons may experience dizziness, chest pain, shortness of breath and nose bleeds.
  • HBP can cause damage to organs such as the kidneys, the heart and the brain. If left untreated it can lead to a heart attack and heart failure.
  • HBP can be significantly reduced through:
    • 30 minutes of regular physical activity e.g. brisk walking or gardening.
    • Limiting alcohol consumption.
    • Adopting a healthy diet
    • Stop tobacco use.
    • Manage stress levels
Recipes for Treating HBP taken from Treatment and Cures with Local Herbs  by Albertina Pavy, Paria Publishing.

Recipe 1


3-5 cloves of garlic (unpeeled)
Dried Orange peel
1 cup of water


Pour water into pot;
Pound/Mash garlic and place in pot;
Place dried orange peel in pot with water and garlic
Bring to boil 
Drink tea hot, once per day- first thing in the morning or last thing at night for 7 days
After 7 days take a 3-5 day break and resume the cycle as required

Note: Keep testing pressure throughout the cycle.

Recipe 2


1/2 teaspoon of epsom salts
1-2 teaspoon of sugar
1 teacup of hot water


Place sugar and epsom salts into water
Stir and allow mixture to cool a bit;
Drink mixture once per day for three days
after 3 days take a 1-3 day break and resume cycle as required

Note: Keep testing pressure throughout the cycle

Recipe 3 (same as for Diabetes)


3 medium sized grains of garlic
1 celery - leaves and stalk
1 litre of water


Pour water into pot
Pound garlic, and place in water
Cut up celery and place in water
Bring water to boil and allow to reduce 
Drink 1 cup every morning for 7 days. Take a 3-5 days break and repeat
Repeat as often as required

Note: Keep testing pressure throughout the cycle

These easy and natural recipes can be used to treat HBP along with proper diet and exercise.

Of course most Trinis have utilized recipe #1 but not to treat HBP but rather for stomach issues such as bloating or gas😏😏. As we know all too well, these recipes have multiple uses 😆😆😆     

I must caution that "too much of one thing is good for nothing" so be vigilant about how your body feels/reacts if you decide to try any of these recipes 

Please consult your Doctor BEFORE including these recipes in your treatment plan.

Remember to post your thoughts and comments below.

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  1. High blood pressure runs in my family too! I don't have it but do you think I should try incorporating these local remedies into my diet as a preventative measure? LC.

    1. Hey LC, sorry for the delayed response... you can incorporate more garlic in your everyday practices. However, if you do not currently have symptoms of HBP you should monitor how you feel as garlic lowers blood pressure.. remember that too much of one thing is good for nothing... I would actually recommend exercising 3-5 times per week and reducing your salt intake. ..Keep monitoring your BP and if it starts rising go see your Doctor immediately.


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